There are some prerequisites, which need to be meet befor starting a bridgehead. If you runnig a Windows or Mac OS maschine you should read starting a bridgehead. If you running a Linux maschine you can start or install a bridgehead.
With cp site.conf you can clone the template. You need to set the project accoriding to the which bridgehead you want to start. It's either a GBN/BBMRI-ERIC, DKTK or C4 Bridgehead.
Each Project needs it own .env file where all the settings are located. Each Project has a template for it in there respective folder. We offer you to setup the file with and also to manage it.
For DKTK set in the site.conf the project to "dkkt". Also you need to set many settings in the env file. For the API keys for the psuenomisation you need to contact the Mainzelliste Team.
There two methods to start the bridgehead. For Windows, Linux and Mac OS you can use the to deploy it wit docker-compose. If will also check some other setting of your system.