diff --git a/ccp/modules/id-management-setup.sh b/ccp/modules/id-management-setup.sh index d2449c7..98c4217 100644 --- a/ccp/modules/id-management-setup.sh +++ b/ccp/modules/id-management-setup.sh @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function idManagementSetup() { OVERRIDE+=" -f ./$PROJECT/modules/id-management-compose.yml" # Auto Generate local Passwords - PATIENTLIST_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(echo \"This is a salt string to generate one consistent password. It is not required to be secret.\" | openssl rsautl -sign -inkey /etc/bridgehead/pki/${SITE_ID}.priv.pem | base64 | head -c 30)" + PATIENTLIST_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(echo \"id-management-module-db-password-salt\" | openssl rsautl -sign -inkey /etc/bridgehead/pki/${SITE_ID}.priv.pem | base64 | head -c 30)" IDMANAGER_LOCAL_PATIENTLIST_APIKEY="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sed 's/[-]//g' | head -c 20)" # Source the ID Generators Configuration