diff --git a/ccp/mtba-compose.yml b/ccp/mtba-compose.yml index 857ff34..ad25dd0 100644 --- a/ccp/mtba-compose.yml +++ b/ccp/mtba-compose.yml @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ services: PATIENT_CSV_BIRTHDAY_HEADER: ${PATIENT_CSV_BIRTHDAY_HEADER:-"BIRTHDAY"} CBIOPORTAL_URL: http://bridgehead-ccp-cbioportal:8080 MUTATIONS_CSV_SCRIPT_INTERPRETER: "python3" + NEW_FILES_DIRECTORY: "/app/input" + PERSIST_DIRECTORY: "/app/persist" labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.http.routers.mtba.rule=PathPrefix(`/`)" - "traefik.http.services.mtba.loadbalancer.server.port=80" - "traefik.http.routers.mtba.tls=true" volumes: - # This directory persists the FHIR Resources that are needed to import data into blaze. - - mtba-data:/app/mtba-files/persist - # Place new import files in this directory - - /tmp/bridgehead/mtba/:/app/mtba-files/input + - /tmp/bridgehead/mtba/input:/app/input + - /tmp/bridgehead/mtba/persist:/app/persist # TODO: Include CBioPortal in Deployment ... # NOTE: CBioPortal can't load data while the system is running. So after import of data bridgehead needs to be restarted!