#!/bin/bash -e DEV_MODE="${1:-NODEV}" source lib/log.sh source lib/functions.sh log "INFO" "Preparing your system for bridgehead installation ..." # Check, if running in WSL if [[ $(grep -i Microsoft /proc/version) ]]; then # Check, if systemd is available if [ "$(systemctl is-system-running)" = "offline" ]; then log "ERROR" "It seems you have no active systemd environment in your WSL environment. Please follow the guide in https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/systemd-support-is-now-available-in-wsl/" exit 1 fi fi # Create the bridgehead user if id bridgehead &>/dev/null; then log "INFO" "Existing user with id $(id -u bridgehead) will be used by the bridgehead system units." else log "INFO" "Now creating a system user to own the bridgehead's files." useradd -M -g docker -N bridgehead || fail_and_report "" fi # Clone the OpenSource repository of bridgehead set +e bridgehead_repository_url=$(git remote get-url origin) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then bridgehead_repository_url="https://github.com/samply/bridgehead.git" fi set -e if [ -d "/srv/docker/bridgehead" ]; then current_owner=$(stat -c '%U' /srv/docker/bridgehead) if [ "$(su -c 'git -C /srv/docker/bridgehead remote get-url origin' $current_owner)" == "$bridgehead_repository_url" ]; then log "INFO" "Bridgehead's open-source repository has been found at /srv/docker/bridgehead" else log "ERROR" "The directory /srv/docker/bridgehead seems to exist, but doesn't contain a clone of $bridgehead_repository_url\nPlease delete the directory and try again." exit 1 fi else log "INFO" "Cloning $bridgehead_repository_url to /srv/docker/bridgehead" mkdir -p /srv/docker/ git clone $bridgehead_repository_url /srv/docker/bridgehead fi case "$PROJECT" in ccp) site_configuration_repository_middle="git.verbis.dkfz.de/bridgehead-configurations/bridgehead-config-" ;; bbmri) site_configuration_repository_middle="git.verbis.dkfz.de/bbmri-bridgehead-configs/" ;; *) log ERROR "Internal error, this should not happen." exit 1 ;; esac # Clone the site-configuration if [ -d /etc/bridgehead ]; then current_owner=$(stat -c '%U' /etc/bridgehead) if [ "$(su -c 'git -C /etc/bridgehead remote get-url origin' $current_owner | grep $site_configuration_repository_middle)" ]; then log "INFO" "Your site config repository in /etc/bridgehead seems to be installed correctly." else log "WARN" "Your site configuration repository in /etc/bridgehead seems to have another origin than git.verbis.dkfz.de. Please check if the repository is correctly cloned!" fi elif [[ "$DEV_MODE" == "NODEV" ]]; then log "INFO" "Now cloning your site configuration repository for you." read -p "Please enter your site: " site read -s -p "Please enter the bridgehead's access token for your site configuration repository (will not be echoed): " access_token site_configuration_repository_url="https://bytoken:${access_token}@${site_configuration_repository_middle}$(echo $site | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]').git" git clone $site_configuration_repository_url /etc/bridgehead if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "Unable to clone your configuration repository. Please obtain correct access data and try again." fi elif [[ "$DEV_MODE" == "DEV" ]]; then log "INFO" "Now cloning your developer configuration repository for you." read -p "Please enter your config repository URL: " url git clone "$url" /etc/bridgehead fi chown -R bridgehead /etc/bridgehead /srv/docker/bridgehead log INFO "System preparation is completed and configuration is present."