# Module: Id-Management This module provides integration with the CCP-Pseudonymiziation Service. To learn more on the backgrounds of this service, you can refer to the [CCP Data Protection Concept](https://dktk.dkfz.de/klinische-plattformen/documents-download). ## Getting Started The following configuration variables are added to your sites-configuration repository: ``` IDMANAGER_UPLOAD_APIKEY="" IDMANAGER_READ_APIKEY="" IDMANAGER_CENTRAL_PATIENTLIST_APIKEY="" IDMANAGER_CONTROLNUMBERGENERATOR_APIKEY="" IDMANAGER_AUTH_CLIENT_ID="" IDMANAGER_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="" IDMANAGER_SEEDS_BK="" IDMANAGER_SEEDS_MDS="" IDMANAGER_SEEDS_DKTK000001985="" ``` Once your Bridgehead is updated and restarted, you're all set! ## Additional information you may want to know ### Services Upon configuration, the Bridgehead will spawn the following services: - The `bridgehead-id-manager` at https://bridgehead.local/id-manager, provides a common interface for creating pseudonyms in the bridgehead. - The `bridgehead-patientlist` at https://bridgehead.local/patientlist is a local instance of the open-source software [Mainzelliste](https://mainzelliste.de). This service's primary task is to map patients IDAT to pseudonyms identifying them along the different CCP projects. - The `bridgehead-patientlist-db` is only accessible within the Bridgehead itself. This is a local postgresql instance storing the database for `bridgehead-patientlist`. The data is persisted in `/var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist` and backups are automatically created in `/var/cache/bridgehead/backup/bridgehead-patientlist-db`. ### How to import an existing database (e.g from Legacy Windows or from Backups) First you must shutdown your local bridgehead instance: ``` systemctl stop bridgehead@ccp ``` Next you need to remove the current patientlist database: ``` rm -rf /var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist ``` Third, you need to place your postgres dump in the import directory `/tmp/bridgehead/patientlist/some-dump.sql`. This will only be imported, then /var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist is empty. > NOTE: Please create the postgres dump with the options "--no-owner" and "--no-privileges". Additionally ensure the dump is created in the plain format (SQL). After this, you can restart your bridgehead and the dump will be imported: ``` systemctl start bridgehead@ccp ``` ### How to connect your local data-management Typically, the sites connect their local data-management for the pseudonym creation with the id-management in the bridgehead. In the following two sections, you can read where you can change the configuration: #### Sites using CentraXX On your CentraXX Server, you need to change following settings in the "centraxx-dev.properties" file. ``` dktk.idmanagement.url=https:///id-manager/translator/getId dktk.idmanagement.apiKey= ``` They typically already exist, but need to be changed to the new values! #### Sites using ADT2FHIR @Pierre ### How to connect the legacy windows bridgehead You need to change the configuration file "..." of your Windows Bridgehead. TODO...