#!/bin/bash -e source lib/log.sh detectCompose() { if [[ "$(docker compose version 2>/dev/null)" == *"Docker Compose version"* ]]; then COMPOSE="docker compose" else COMPOSE="docker-compose" # This is intended to fail on startup in the next prereq check. fi } getLdmPassword() { if [ -n "$LDM_PASSWORD" ]; then docker run --rm httpd:alpine htpasswd -nb $PROJECT $LDM_PASSWORD | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r' else echo -n "" fi } exitIfNotRoot() { if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "Please run as root" fail_and_report 1 "Please run as root" fi } checkOwner(){ COUNT=$(find $1 ! -user $2 |wc -l) if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then log ERROR "$COUNT files in $1 are not owned by user $2. Run find $1 ! -user $2 to see them, chown -R $2 $1 to correct this issue." return 1 fi return 0 } printUsage() { echo "Usage: bridgehead start|stop|update|install|uninstall|enroll PROJECTNAME" echo "PROJECTNAME should be one of ccp|nngm|bbmri" } checkRequirements() { if ! lib/prerequisites.sh; then log "ERROR" "Validating Prerequisites failed, please fix the error(s) above this line." fail_and_report 1 "Validating prerequisites failed." else return 0 fi } fetchVarsFromVault() { [ -e /etc/bridgehead/vault.conf ] && source /etc/bridgehead/vault.conf if [ -z "$BW_MASTERPASS" ] || [ -z "$BW_CLIENTID" ] || [ -z "$BW_CLIENTSECRET" ]; then log "ERROR" "Please supply correct credentials in /etc/bridgehead/vault.conf." return 1 fi set +e PASS=$(BW_MASTERPASS="$BW_MASTERPASS" BW_CLIENTID="$BW_CLIENTID" BW_CLIENTSECRET="$BW_CLIENTSECRET" docker run --rm -e BW_MASTERPASS -e BW_CLIENTID -e BW_CLIENTSECRET -e http_proxy samply/bridgehead-vaultfetcher $@) RET=$? if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then echo "Code: $RET" echo $PASS return $RET fi eval $(echo -e "$PASS" | sed 's/\r//g') set -e return 0 } fetchVarsFromVaultByFile() { VARS_TO_FETCH="" for line in $(cat $@); do if [[ $line =~ .*=[\"]*\[\"]*.* ]]; then VARS_TO_FETCH+="$(echo -n $line | sed 's/=.*//') " fi done if [ -z "$VARS_TO_FETCH" ]; then return 0 fi log INFO "Fetching $(echo $VARS_TO_FETCH | wc -w) secrets from Vault ..." fetchVarsFromVault $VARS_TO_FETCH return 0 } assertVarsNotEmpty() { MISSING_VARS="" for VAR in $@; do if [ -z "${!VAR}" ]; then MISSING_VARS+="$VAR " fi done if [ -n "$MISSING_VARS" ]; then log "ERROR" "Mandatory variables not defined: $MISSING_VARS" return 1 fi return 0 } fixPermissions() { CHOWN=$(which chown) sudo $CHOWN -R bridgehead /etc/bridgehead /srv/docker/bridgehead } source lib/monitoring.sh fail_and_report() { log ERROR "$2" hc_send $1 "$2" exit $1 } setHostname() { if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then export HOST=$(hostname -f) log DEBUG "Using auto-detected hostname $HOST." fi } ##Setting Network properties # currently not needed #export HOSTIP=$(MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway ubuntu cat /etc/hosts | grep 'host.docker.internal' | awk '{print $1}'); export PRODUCTION="false"; if [ "$(git branch --show-current)" == "main" ]; then export PRODUCTION="true"; fi