#!/bin/bash source lib/log.sh function hc_set_uuid(){ HCUUID="$1" } function hc_set_service(){ HCSERVICE="$1" } UPTIME= USER_AGENT= function hc_send(){ BASEURL="https://healthchecks.verbis.dkfz.de/ping" if [ -n "$MONITOR_APIKEY" ]; then hc_set_uuid $MONITOR_APIKEY fi if [ -n "$HCSERVICE" ]; then HCURL="$BASEURL/$PING_KEY/$HCSERVICE" fi if [ -n "$HCUUID" ]; then HCURL="$BASEURL/$HCUUID" fi if [ ! -n "$HCURL" ]; then log WARN "Did not report Healthcheck: Neither Healthcheck UUID nor service set. Please define MONITOR_APIKEY in /etc/bridgehead." return 0 fi if [ -z "$UPTIME" ]; then UPTIME=$(docker ps -a --format 'table {{.Names}} \t{{.RunningFor}} \t {{.Status}} \t {{.Image}}' --filter name=bridgehead || echo "Unable to get docker statistics") fi if [ -z "$USER_AGENT" ]; then COMMIT_ETC=$(git -C /etc/bridgehead rev-parse HEAD | cut -c -8) COMMIT_SRV=$(git -C /srv/docker/bridgehead rev-parse HEAD | cut -c -8) USER_AGENT="srv:$COMMIT_SRV etc:$COMMIT_ETC" fi if [ -n "$2" ]; then MSG="$2\n\nDocker stats:\n$UPTIME" echo -e "$MSG" | https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY_URL curl -A "$USER_AGENT" -s -o /dev/null -X POST --data-binary @- "$HCURL"/"$1" || log WARN "Monitoring failed: Unable to send data to $HCURL/$1" else https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY_URL curl -A "$USER_AGENT" -s -o /dev/null "$HCURL"/"$1" || log WARN "Monitoring failed: Unable to send data to $HCURL/$1" fi }