#!/bin/bash if [ -n "${ENABLE_DNPM}" ]; then log DEBUG "DNPM setup detected (Beam.Connect) -- will start Beam and Beam.Connect for DNPM." OVERRIDE+=" -f ./$PROJECT/modules/dnpm-compose.yml" # Set variables required for Beam-Connect DNPM_BEAM_SECRET_SHORT="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sed 's/[-]//g' | head -c 20)" DNPM_BROKER_ID="broker.ccp-it.dktk.dkfz.de" DNPM_BROKER_URL="https://${DNPM_BROKER_ID}" if [ -z ${BROKER_URL_FOR_PREREQ+x} ]; then BROKER_URL_FOR_PREREQ=$DNPM_BROKER_URL log DEBUG "No Broker for clock check set; using $DNPM_BROKER_URL" fi DNPM_PROXY_ID="${SITE_ID}.${DNPM_BROKER_ID}" # If the DNPM_NO_PROXY variable is set, prefix it with a comma (as it gets added to a comma separated list) if [ -n "${DNPM_NO_PROXY}" ]; then DNPM_ADDITIONAL_NO_PROXY=",${DNPM_NO_PROXY}" else DNPM_ADDITIONAL_NO_PROXY="" fi fi