#!/bin/bash ### This is the configuration file for secrets, only your site should know ### Because the deployment via systemd is not possible in the current wsl environment, ### developers need to export the necessary variables. ### You can copy this file to site-specific.conf and run source site-specific.conf. ### After this docker-compose up should use the environment variables defined in this file. ### Connector configuration ## The password the for your connector database export dktk_CONNECTOR_POSTGRES_PASSWORD= export c4_CONNECTOR_POSTGRES_PASSWORD= export gbn_CONNECTOR_POSTGRES_PASSWORD= ### Local Datamanagenment configuration if necessary ## Supply this, if you use samplystore # export LDM_DATABASE_PASSWORD=this-should-only-be-used-by-developers-ldm-database-password; ### ID-Management configuration ## provided by DKFZ with cooperation in Mainz export CCP_PATIENTLISTE_APIKEY= ## provided by DKFZ with cooperation in Frankfurt export CCP_CONTROLLNUMBERGENERATOR_APIKEY= export LOCAL_IDMANAGER_LDM_APIKEY= ## Additional new ID-Manager Configuration export LOCAL_IDMANAGER_MAINZELLISTE_APIKEY= export LOCAL_IDMANAGER_CONNECTOR_APIKEY= export LOCAL_PATIENTLIST_DBPASS= export dktk_CCP_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET= export c4_CCP_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET= ### Mail Server username and password # export MAIL_USER= # export MAIL_PASSWORD= ### Monitoring ## by default, the bridgehead will report it's state to DKFZ monitoring. Change here to opt-out. # export MONITOR_OPTOUT=true ### nNGM Configuration, only necessary if your site takes part in nNGM ## The cts login data, that healex provided you # export NNGM_CTS_USER= # export NNGM_CTS_PASSWORD= ## The idmanagement authentication data, that is provided by dkfz dataprotection office # export NNGM_MAGICPL_APIKEY= # export NNGM_MAINZELLISTE_APIKEY= ### Workaround for local developers network environment ## Note: MSYS_NO_PATHCONV is needed, because git bash and msys2 will otherwise convert /etc/hosts to a windows path #export HOSTIP=$(MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway ubuntu cat /etc/hosts | grep 'host.docker.internal' | awk '{print $1}'); #export HOST=$(hostname) export HOSTIP= export HOST= export site_name= ### Write the Project you want to start with the brigdehead ##Exmaple project=gbn project=