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fhir2sql connects to Blaze, retrieves data, and syncs it with a PostgreSQL database. The application is designed to run continuously, syncing data at regular intervals. The Dashboard module is a optional component of the Bridgehead CCP setup. When enabled, it starts two Docker services: fhir2sql and dashboard-db. Data held in PostgreSQL is only stored temporarily and Blaze is considered to be the 'leading system' or 'source of truth'.



  • Image:
  • Container name: bridgehead-ccp-dashboard-fhir2sql
  • Depends on: dashboard-db
  • Environment variables:
    • BLAZE_BASE_URL: The base URL of the Blaze FHIR server (set to http://blaze:8080/fhir/)
    • PG_HOST: The hostname of the PostgreSQL database (set to dashboard-db)
    • PG_USERNAME: The username for the PostgreSQL database (set to dashboard)
    • PG_PASSWORD: The password for the PostgreSQL database (set to the value of DASHBOARD_DB_PASSWORD)
    • PG_DBNAME: The name of the PostgreSQL database (set to dashboard)


  • Image:${POSTGRES_TAG}
  • Container name: bridgehead-ccp-dashboard-db
  • Environment variables:
    • POSTGRES_USER: The username for the PostgreSQL database (set to dashboard)
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: The password for the PostgreSQL database (set to the value of DASHBOARD_DB_PASSWORD)
    • POSTGRES_DB: The name of the PostgreSQL database (set to dashboard)
  • Volumes:
    • /var/cache/bridgehead/ccp/dashboard-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

The volume used by dashboard-db can be removed safely and should be restored to a working order by re-importing data from Blaze.

Environment Variables

  • DASHBOARD_DB_PASSWORD: A generated password for the PostgreSQL database, created using a salt string and the SHA1 hash function.
  • POSTGRES_TAG: The tag of the PostgreSQL image to use (not set in this module, but required by the dashboard-db service).


To enable the Dashboard module, set the ENABLE_FHIR2SQL environment variable to true. The script will then start the fhir2sql and dashboard-db services, using the environment variables and volumes defined above.