#!/bin/bash function nngmSetup() { if [ -n "$NNGM_CTS_APIKEY" ]; then log INFO "nNGM setup detected -- will start nNGM Connector." OVERRIDE+=" -f ./$PROJECT/nngm-compose.yml" fi CONNECTOR_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="$(echo \"This is a salt string to generate one consistent password. It is not required to be secret.\" | openssl rsautl -sign -inkey /etc/bridgehead/pki/${SITE_ID}.priv.pem | base64 | head -c 30)" } function mtbaSetup() { # TODO: Check if ID-Management Module is activated! if [ -n "$ENABLE_MTBA" ];then log INFO "MTBA setup detected -- will start MTBA Service and CBioPortal." if [ ! -n "$IDMANAGER_UPLOAD_APIKEY" ]; then log ERROR "Detected MTBA Module configuration but ID-Management Module seems not to be configured!" exit 1; fi OVERRIDE+=" -f ./$PROJECT/mtba-compose.yml" fi }