#!/bin/bash ### This configuration file is intended for fast setup of a developers testenvironment. ### The settings made here are normally placed in the system units configuration. ### Refer to the readme on how to do this. ### On long term we want to move those to a zero knowledge passwort manager like bitwarden. ### Configuration for Network Properties # needed by the connector to resolve hosts address for ui-links and service status checks export HOSTIP=$(MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway ubuntu cat /etc/hosts | grep 'host.docker.internal' | awk '{print $1}'); # needed for the reverse proxy configuration of the services export HOST=$(hostname) # additional information about the local proxy if necessary export HTTP_PROXY_USER="" export HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD="" export HTTPS_PROXY_USER="" export HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD="" ### Configuration for Connector Secrets # the password of database connector-db export CONNECTOR_POSTGRES_PASS=pleaseChangeThis1 ### Configuration for Samply Store Secrets # the password of database connector-db export STORE_POSTGRES_PASS=pleaseChangeThis6 ### Configuration for ID-Management Secrets # the password of database patientlist-db export ML_DB_PASS=pleaseChangeThis2 # the apikey of the localdatamanagement for the patientlist export MAGICPL_API_KEY=pleaseChangeThis3 # the apikey of the id-manager for the patientlist export MAGICPL_MAINZELLISTE_API_KEY=pleaseChangeThis4 # the apikey of the connector for the patientlist export MAGICPL_API_KEY_CONNECTOR=pleaseChangeThis5 # the apikey of the id-manager for the central patientlist export MAGICPL_MAINZELLISTE_CENTRAL_API_KEY=dktk[CentralS3cr3tKey]KNE; # the apikey of the id-manager for the controlnumbergenerator export MAGICPL_CENTRAL_API_KEY=dguQJ5IoqUrxCF8fNl6fOl2YvsZAVB1Y; # client-id used for autheticating users in central ccp-authentication service export MAGICPL_OIDC_CLIENT_ID=bridgehead-developers; # client-secret used for autheticating users in central ccp-authentication service export MAGICPL_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=1de49kn2j36qom15n7vkrve0g7pgh1f5p7v945pkl2hesak74bgek657tgi6or1hu5ji3m9lfrbhfa0g3haq18ebe205al4uoig9ii5;