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Module: Id-Management

This module provides integration with the CCP-Pseudonymiziation Service. To learn more on the backgrounds of this service, you can refer to the CCP Data Protection Concept.

Getting Started

The following configuration variables are added to your sites-configuration repository:



Once your Bridgehead is updated and restarted, you're all set!

Additional information you may want to know


Upon configuration, the Bridgehead will spawn the following services:

  • The bridgehead-id-manager at https://bridgehead.local/id-manager, provides a common interface for creating pseudonyms in the bridgehead.
  • The bridgehead-patientlist at https://bridgehead.local/patientlist is a local instance of the open-source software Mainzelliste. This service's primary task is to map patients IDAT to pseudonyms identifying them along the different CCP projects.
  • The bridgehead-patientlist-db is only accessible within the Bridgehead itself. This is a local postgresql instance storing the database for bridgehead-patientlist. The data is persisted in /var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist and backups are automatically created in /var/cache/bridgehead/backup/bridgehead-patientlist-db.

How to import an existing database (e.g from Legacy Windows or from Backups)

First you must shutdown your local bridgehead instance:

systemctl stop bridgehead@ccp

Next you need to remove the current patientlist database:

rm -rf /var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist

Third, you need to place your postgres dump in the import directory /tmp/bridgehead/patientlist/some-dump.sql. This will only be imported, then /var/lib/bridgehead/data/patientlist is empty.

NOTE: Please create the postgres dump with the options "--no-owner" and "--no-privileges". Additionally ensure the dump is created in the plain format (SQL).

After this, you can restart your bridgehead and the dump will be imported:

systemctl start bridgehead@ccp

How to connect your local data-management

Typically, the sites connect their local data-management for the pseudonym creation with the id-management in the bridgehead. In the following two sections, you can read where you can change the configuration:

Sites using CentraXX

On your CentraXX Server, you need to change following settings in the "" file.


They typically already exist, but need to be changed to the new values!

Sites using ADT2FHIR


How to connect the legacy windows bridgehead

You need to change the configuration file "..." of your Windows Bridgehead. TODO...